Proxmox's ZFS

Since fall 2015 the default compression algorithm in ZOL is LZ4 and since choosing compression=on means activate compression using default algorithm then your pools are using LZ4 โ†’

# Check if LZ4 is active
zpool get feature@lz4_compress rpool

RAM requiremens

ZFS base about 4GB and 1GB for each TB used disc space. this is without dedup or L2ARC


  • ZPool is the logical unit of the underlying disks, what zfs use.
  • ZVol is an emulated Block Device provided by ZFS
  • ZIL is ZFS Intent Log, it is a small block device ZFS uses to write faster
  • SLOG is Separate Intent Log
  • ARC is Adaptive Replacement Cache and located in Ram, its the Level 1 cache.
  • L2ARC is Layer2 Adaptive Replacement Cache and should be on an fast device (like SSD).



zfs set atime=off rpool/data
# or
zfs set atime=on rpool/data
zfs set relatime=on rpool/data

Adding SSD cache for HDDs

/dev/nvme0n1p4: PARTLABEL="ZIL" PARTUUID="d6da74cd-32e7-4286-8e78-ace66ab659b2"
/dev/nvme0n1p5: PARTLABEL="L2ARC" PARTUUID="60c563fc-91f8-4ec4-afc0-b7794c63f31c"
zpool add rpool cache 60c563fc-91f8-4ec4-afc0-b7794c63f31c
zpool add rpool log d6da74cd-32e7-4286-8e78-ace66ab659b2
zpool status
  pool: rpool
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0 days 00:11:23 with 0 errors on Sun May 10 00:35:24 2020
	NAME                                    STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
	rpool                                   ONLINE       0     0     0
	  sda                                   ONLINE       0     0     0
	  d6da74cd-32e7-4286-8e78-ace66ab659b2  ONLINE       0     0     0
	  60c563fc-91f8-4ec4-afc0-b7794c63f31c  ONLINE       0     0     0
zpool iostat -v 1

remove storage pool

zfs destroy rpool/data

create ''local-zfs''

For nodes without local-zfs, i.e. Debian based custom system it is possible to add local-zfs storage later.

zpool create -f -o ashift=13 rpool /dev/sdb
zfs set compression=lz4 rpool
zfs create rpool/data
# You can get a list of available ZFS filesystems with:
pvesm zfsscan
zpool status -v
zfs list

Datacenter โ€“> Storage โ€“> local-zfs

  • Disable node restriction

rename zfs pool

zpool checkpoint pve3-nvm
zpool export pve3-nvm
zpool import pve3-nvm nvmpool
  • rename storage pool and paths
  • verify
zpool checkpoint --discard pve3-nvm

clean old replication snapshots

zfs list -t all | grep @__replicate | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | while read N; do zfs destroy ${N}; done

trim free space

# Trim with speed 50M/s
zpool trim -r 50M nvmpool
# And monitor progress:
zpool status nvmpool -t