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DB adding

NOTE: if partition is formatted as LVM PV, it is possible to choose this partition for SB from Proxmox UI when creating OSD:

Adding journal DB/WAL partition

If an OSD needs to be shutdown for maintenance (i.e. adding new disc), please set ceph osd set noout to prevent unnecessary data balance.

Create parition on NVM drive

Reorganize existing NVM/SSD disc to make some free space. Create empty partition on free space.

Cut some space from zpool cache NVM partition

# remove cache partition from zpool
zpool list -v
zpool remove rpool /dev/nvme0n1p3
reorganize partition
zpool add rpool cache 277455ae-1bfa-41f6-8b89-fd362d35515e

Cut some space from zpool

Example how to cut some space from nvmpool zpool with spare temporary drive:

  • we have 1 spare HDD which will be new Ceph OSD in future
  • zpool doesn't support online shrinking.
  • move nvmpool to spare HDD, to release NVM nvmpool partition.
zpool replace nvmpool nvme0n1p4 sdc
# zpool status nvmpool
  pool: nvmpool
 state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
	continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
  scan: resilver in progress since Thu May  6 14:13:32 2021
	70.2G scanned at 249M/s, 21.0G issued at 74.4M/s, 70.2G total
	21.1G resilvered, 29.91% done, 00:11:17 to go
	nvmpool        ONLINE       0     0     0
	  replacing-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
	    nvme0n1p4  ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdc        ONLINE       0     0     0  (resilvering)
  • wait for resilver
  • reorganize partitions
  • replace disks again
zpool replace nvmpool sdc nvme0n1p4

Replace OSD

ceph osd tree
ceph device ls-by-host pve5
TOSHIBA_HDWD120_30HN40HAS  sdc  osd.2  
### Switch OFF OSD. Ceph should rebalance data from replicas when OSD is switched off directly
ceph osd out X
## or better use lines below:
# this is optional for safety for small clusters instead of using ceph out osd.2
ceph osd reweight osd.X 0
# wait for data migration away from osd.X
watch 'ceph -s; ceph osd df tree'
# Remove OSD
ceph osd out X
ceph osd safe-to-destroy osd.X
ceph osd down X
systemctl stop ceph-osd@X.service
ceph osd destroy X
#pveceph osd destroy X
# to remove partition table, boot sector and any OSD leftover:
ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdX --destroy
## it is not possible to specify DB partition with pveceph command (read begining of page):
# pveceph osd create /dev/sdc --db_dev /dev/nvme0n1p3
## it requires whole device as db dev with LVM and will create new LVM on free space, i.e.
# pveceph osd create /dev/sdc --db_dev /dev/nvme0n1 --db_size 32G
## so direct ceph command will be used:
# Prevent backfilling when new osd will be added
ceph osd set nobackfill
### Create OSD:
ceph-volume lvm create --osd-id X --bluestore --data /dev/sdc --block.db /dev/nvme0n1p3
# or split above into two step:
ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --data /dev/sdX --block.db /dev/nvme0n1pX
ceph-volume lvm activate --bluestore X e56ecc53-826d-40b0-a647-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# also possible: ceph-volume lvm activate --all
#ceph-volume lvm create --cluster-fsid 321bdc94-39a5-460a-834f-6e617fdd6c66 --data /dev/sdc --block.db /dev/nvme0n1p3
#ceph-volume lvm activate --bluestore <osd id> <osd fsid>


ls -l /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-X/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ceph ceph  93 sty 28 17:59 block -> /dev/ceph-16a69325-6fb3-4d09-84ee-c053c01f410f/osd-block-e56ecc53-826d-40b0-a647-5f1a1fc8800e
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ceph ceph  14 sty 28 17:59 block.db -> /dev/nvme0n1p3
ceph daemon osd.X perf dump | jq '.bluefs'
  "gift_bytes": 0,
  "reclaim_bytes": 0,
  "db_total_bytes": 42949664768,    --> 39,99GB  (40GB partition created)
  "db_used_bytes": 1452269568,      -->  1,35GB
  "wal_total_bytes": 0,
  "wal_used_bytes": 0,
# OR
  "db_total_bytes": 4294959104,     --> 3,9GB (4GB partition)
  "db_used_bytes": 66052096,        -->
ceph device ls

And restore backfilling:

ceph osd unset nobackfill

Check benefits:

  • Observe better latency on OSD with NVM/SSD:
    watch ceph osd perf
  • check iotop output. Now [bstore_kv_sync] should take less time.