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one shell

5.3.1 Using One Shell

foo : bar/lose
        cd $(<D)
        gobble $(<F) > ../$@


VPATH tells makefile where to search for prerequisities:


order only prereq

Special pipe “|” character is used. If any $(objects) has to be build, then obj has to be build first. But if obj is out of date or missing, this doesn't force $(objects) to built.

$(objects): | obj
  @mkdir -p $@''
targets : normal-prerequisites | order-only-prerequisites

double colon rules

It can be useful, when target needs to be updated and command to update target depends on which prerequisite file caused the update.


Another scenario is to find source .c file in different dirs

build/%.o:: test/%.c
        $(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
build/%.o:: src/%.c
        $(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
build/%.o:: lib/src/%.c lib/src/%.h
        $(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
  • The same target can appear in more than one rule
  • each rule is executed if target is older than any prerequisite of that rule
    • if no prereq, command is always executed
  • Order of execution is not guaranteed


  • *$(dir /path/to/file.txt)* get path part only
  • *$(basename src/foo.c src-1.0/bar hacks)* - produces the result ‘src/foo src-1.0/bar hacks’.
  • *$(notdir src/foo.c hacks)* - result ‘foo.c hacks’.

Parallel make

Disabling parallel

For whole file:


For single target:

.NOTPARALLEL: foo.c bar.c 

Parallel makefile requires dependency ordering

Prevent one target from parallel run