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apt-get install golang-go gocode golang-golang-x-tools golint

manual update to latest versuion

sudo go get -u
sudo go get -u
sudo go get -u


  • GOROOT is the location where Go package is installed on your system. In Debian it is /usr/lib/go-1.10
  • GOPATH is the location of your work directory. For example my project directory is ~/Projects/Proj1.
    • GO works with packages, GOPATH tells where to look for packages
    • All packages installed with go get goes to GOPATH.
    • Multiple projects (workspaces)has to be kept under different GOPATH
      • Looks strange but as a benefit: This let us to have all external packages in required version
    • all binaries will be stored in $GOPATH/bin

Single GOPATH:

You can have multiple projects in a single GOPATH. Each project will have a main.go in a different package. 
Often this is the right way to go. All the projects will share the same dependencies, when you 
upgrade a library each project will be updated. This works well when all the projects are updated and 
deployed together (like micro services).

GOPATH directory structure:

  • src
  • bin
  • pkg


Example setup of GOPATH:

Edit ~/.bashrc to add the following line:

export GOPATH=$HOME/go

re-login to apply changes.

use setpath tool

setpath Download:

cd ~/project/src
setpath go get

setpath will automatically set GOPATH to correct path, even if executed deeply inside ~/project subdirs.


To download dep command:

setpath go get -u

dep reads two files called Gopkg.toml and the Gopkg.lock


  init     Set up a new Go project, or migrate an existing one
  status   Report the status of the project's dependencies
  ensure   Ensure a dependency is safely vendored in the project
  version  Show the dep version information
  check    Check if imports, Gopkg.toml, and Gopkg.lock are in sync
cd ~/project/src/
setpath ${GOPATH}/bin/dep ensure

and new packages will be downloaded to ~/project/src/

More here:

Eclipse IDE

GoClipse plugin for Eclipse. Installation: GoClipse installation

go get
go get

Configure GO plugin:

  • Preferences–>Go–>Tools and setup executables:
    • /usr/bin/gocode
    • /home/user/go/bin/guru
    • /home/user/go/bin/godef
    • /usr/bin/gofmt
  • Preferences–>Go
    • Go installation: Directory /usr

GOROOT is not defined


panic: Can't find the package clause

Probably gocode version mismatch:

  • try to update from github
  • killall gocode

method names

  • Method names written from upper-case letter are exported form module
  • to write internal methods (like static function in c) start function name from lower case


func main() {
  add := func(x, y int) int {
    return x + y
func makeEvenGenerator() func() uint {
  i := uint(0)
  return func() (ret uint) {
    ret = i
    i += 2