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sudo apt-get install duply python-paramiko trickle


Create backup profile:

duply gitlab create

Profile file $HOME/.duply/gitlab/conf was created.

Generate random password:

openssl rand -base64 20
| ~/.duply/gitlab/conf
GPG_PW='<generated passsword>'

Configure backup section:

| ~/.duply/gitlab/conf
# Paramiko SSH is very CPU consuming
# Limit network speed
DUPL_PRECMD="trickle -s -u 1500 -d 256"
# Specify different id_rsa file:
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options=-oIdentityFile='/root/.duply/gitlab/id_rsa' "
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --no-compression " # Do not use GZip to compress files on remote system.
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options=-carcfour128 "  # light cipher for NAS
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options=-oCompression=no "  # disable ssh compression
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --asynchronous-upload " # uploads in background
+ /etc/gitlab
+ /opt
+ /home
+ /root
- **

Note: duply dosn't make any cleanup or deletions during backup action. So destination storage can be full very quickly. To perform maintenance of old backup accordign to MAX_AGE, MAX_FULL_BACKUPS, MAX_FULLS_WITH_INCRS and MAX_FULLBKP_AGE parameters it is need to call duply with purge and cleanup commands. See cron script example below.

Example options:


Will keep 2 full backup sets, but only one with increments (last one).

Sometimes it is good to check whether incremental backups are meaningful (it depends on type of data stored). If command

duply gitlab status

shows that number of volume with each increment is similar to full backup, then making increments has no sense, ane time to keep increments can be short e.g. MAX_FULLBKP_AGE=7D


Start the backup

sudo duply gitlab backup --progress
duply gitlab status
duply gitlab list
duply gitlab verify  # long operation

cron script

#!/bin/bash -ue
set -o pipefail
trap "banner error; echo LINE: $LINENO" ERR
duply gitlab backup
duply gitlab purge --force # list outdated backup archives and delete them
duply gitlab-to-grinnux purgeIncr --force
duply gitlab-to-grinnux purgeFull --force
duply gitlab cleanup --extra-clean --force > /dev/null # list broken backup files and delete them
banner ALL OK

shell function

#!/bin/bash -ueE
set -o pipefail
trap "banner error; echo LINE: $LINENO" ERR
run_duply() {
    echo "====================================================="
    duply ${1} backup
    echo "====================================================="
    duply ${1} cleanup --extra-clean --force
    duply ${1} purge --force
    duply ${1} purgeIncr --force
    duply ${1} purgeFull --force
    echo "====================================================="
    duply ${1} cleanup --extra-clean --force > /dev/null
    echo "====================================================="    
    banner ${1} OK

SFTP and rbash

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp



Lots of info

Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: Fri Aug  5 13:49:11 2016; needed: Fri Jun 17 14:20:07 2016)
Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: Fri Aug  5 13:49:11 2016; needed: Thu Jul 21 14:33:52 2016)
Added incremental Backupset (start_time: Fri Aug  5 13:49:11 2016 / end_time: Wed Aug 10 14:54:49 2016)
Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: Wed Aug 10 14:54:49 2016; needed: Fri Jun 17 14:20:07 2016)


Usefull report:

-------------[ Backup Statistics ]--------------
StartTime 1479517583.39 (Sat Nov 19 01:06:23 2016)
EndTime 1479517751.96 (Sat Nov 19 01:09:11 2016)
ElapsedTime 168.57 (2 minutes 48.57 seconds)
SourceFiles 41
SourceFileSize 13621422991 (12.7 GB)
NewFiles 1
NewFileSize 4096 (4.00 KB)
DeletedFiles 0
ChangedFiles 1
ChangedFileSize 13621360640 (12.7 GB)
ChangedDeltaSize 0 (0 bytes)
DeltaEntries 2
RawDeltaSize 6101758 (5.82 MB)
TotalDestinationSizeChange 5214178 (4.97 MB)
Errors 0


no acceptable kex algorithm

ssh: Exception: Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable kex algorithm)

Python paramiko module needs upgrade

apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-cffi libffi-dev build-essential
pip install --ugprade cffi
pip install pycparser==2.13
pip install --ugprade cryptography

To solve error “AssertionError: sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups” please install

pip install pycparser==2.13
pip install --ugprade paramiko

can't be deleted

 duply mybackup purge --force
Last full backup date: Wed May 24 01:11:54 2017
There are backup set(s) at time(s):
Thu Nov 24 01:05:26 2016
Fri Nov 25 01:09:43 2016
Sat Nov 26 01:10:50 2016
Which can't be deleted because newer sets depend on them.
No old backup sets found, nothing deleted.

Solution is to run:

 duply mybackup purgeIncr --force
 duply mybackup purgeFull --force