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sudo apt-get install duply python-paramiko trickle


Create backup profile:

duply gitlab create

Profile file $HOME/.duply/gitlab/conf was created.

Generate random password:

openssl rand -base64 20
| ~/.duply/gitlab/conf
GPG_PW='<generated passsword>'

Configure backup section:

| ~/.duply/gitlab/conf
# Paramiko SSH is very CPU consuming
# Limit network speed
DUPL_PRECMD="trickle -s -u 1500 -d 256"
# Specify different id_rsa file:
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options=-oIdentityFile='/root/.duply/gitlab/id_rsa' "
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --no-compression " # Do not use GZip to compress files on remote system.
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options=-carcfour128 "  # light cipher for NAS
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options=-oCompression=no "  # disable ssh compression
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --asynchronous-upload " # uploads in background
+ /etc/gitlab
+ /opt
+ /home
+ /root
- **

Note: duply dosn't make any cleanup or deletions during backup action. So destination storage can be full very quickly. To perform maintenance of old backup accordign to MAX_AGE, MAX_FULL_BACKUPS, MAX_FULLS_WITH_INCRS and MAX_FULLBKP_AGE parameters it is need to call duply with purge and cleanup commands. See cron script example below.

Example options:


Will keep 2 full backup sets, but only one with increments (last one).


Start the backup

sudo duply gitlab backup --progress
duply gitlab status
duply gitlab list
duply gitlab verify  # long operation

cron script

duply gitlab backup && banner OK || banner error
duply gitlab purge --force && banner OK || banner error # list outdated backup archives and delete them
duply gitlab-to-grinnux purgeIncr --force && banner OK || banner error
duply gitlab-to-grinnux purgeFull --force && banner OK || banner error
duply gitlab cleanup --extra-clean --force > /dev/null && banner OK || banner error # list broken backup files and delete them

shell function

function run_duply() {
    duply ${1} backup && banner OK || banner error
    echo "====================================================="
    duply ${1} purge --force && banner OK || banner error
    duply ${1} purgeIncr --force && banner OK || banner error
    duply ${1} purgeFull --force && banner OK || banner error
    echo "====================================================="
    duply ${1} cleanup --extra-clean --force > /dev/null && banner OK || banner error

SFTP and rbash

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp



Lots of info

Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: Fri Aug  5 13:49:11 2016; needed: Fri Jun 17 14:20:07 2016)
Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: Fri Aug  5 13:49:11 2016; needed: Thu Jul 21 14:33:52 2016)
Added incremental Backupset (start_time: Fri Aug  5 13:49:11 2016 / end_time: Wed Aug 10 14:54:49 2016)
Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: Wed Aug 10 14:54:49 2016; needed: Fri Jun 17 14:20:07 2016)


Usefull report:

-------------[ Backup Statistics ]--------------
StartTime 1479517583.39 (Sat Nov 19 01:06:23 2016)
EndTime 1479517751.96 (Sat Nov 19 01:09:11 2016)
ElapsedTime 168.57 (2 minutes 48.57 seconds)
SourceFiles 41
SourceFileSize 13621422991 (12.7 GB)
NewFiles 1
NewFileSize 4096 (4.00 KB)
DeletedFiles 0
ChangedFiles 1
ChangedFileSize 13621360640 (12.7 GB)
ChangedDeltaSize 0 (0 bytes)
DeltaEntries 2
RawDeltaSize 6101758 (5.82 MB)
TotalDestinationSizeChange 5214178 (4.97 MB)
Errors 0


no acceptable kex algorithm

ssh: Exception: Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable kex algorithm)

Python paramiko module needs upgrade

apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-cffi libffi-dev build-essential
pip install --ugprade cffi
pip install pycparser==2.13
pip install --ugprade cryptography

To solve error “AssertionError: sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups” please install

pip install pycparser==2.13
pip install --ugprade paramiko

can't be deleted

 duply mybackup purge --force
Last full backup date: Wed May 24 01:11:54 2017
There are backup set(s) at time(s):
Thu Nov 24 01:05:26 2016
Fri Nov 25 01:09:43 2016
Sat Nov 26 01:10:50 2016
Which can't be deleted because newer sets depend on them.
No old backup sets found, nothing deleted.

Solution is to run:

 duply mybackup purgeIncr --force
 duply mybackup purgeFull --force