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ESP Easy

First setup

Wifi ssid ESP_0
Wifi pass configesp

Emergency reset

During power up, if TX & RX lines are tied together.
Device is sending two bytes (115200 speed): 0xAA 0x55 and after 1ms checks if two the sames bytes are received, and resets device to factory settings.

Delayed reset

When failed connection tries reach 30, system is performing delayed reset (after 60 seconds). Function ESP.reset() is used.

rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

rst cause

Number Description
0 unknown
1 normal boot
2 reset pin
3 software reset
4 watchdog reset

boot mode

the first value respects the pin setup of the Pins 0, 2 and 15.

Number GPIO15 GPIO0 GPIO2 Mode
0 0V 0V 0V Not valid
1 0V 0V 3.3V Uart
2 0V 3.3V 0V Not valid
3 0V 3.3V 3.3V Flash
4 3.3V 0V 0V SDIO
5 3.3V 0V 3.3V SDIO
6 3.3V 3.3V 0V SDIO
7 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V SDIO


  • number = ((GPIO15 « 2) | (GPIO0 « 1) | GPIO2);

Serial commands


command args description
TaskClear tasknum
wdconfig address <command> <data>
Send 2 bytes <command> <data> to I2C device at <address>
wdread address
VariableSet num string Set user variable <num> to value <string>
build build_num Save <build_num>
NoSleep Disable deepsleep
Reboot Set pins 0,2 and 15 to input ports and call ESP.reset() –> __real_system_restart_local();
Restart ESP.restart() –> system_restart()
rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
Domoticz old
WifiSSID ssid
WifiKey key
Delay seconds reporting interval to <seconds>
Debug level
IP ip address
Settings Show short system info (IP address, Build, Unit number, Wifi configuration, Free mem)
Save Save settings to flash
Load Load settings form flash
FlashDump Show info about flash size, used space, etc
Erase Erase flash, disconnect WiFi
Reset ResetFactory()
flashcheck start_sector end_sector

Firmware build

git clone esp8266
cd esp8266/tools
cd ../..
git clone
cd makeEspArduino
ESP_ROOT=../esp8266 make -f upload

makeEspArduino targets:

  • upload: all - build all and use esptool to upload firmware
  • clean
  • all