Creating snap: 0% complete...failed

Trying to create VM snapshot with name up:

pve6 pvedaemon[2014989]: rbd snapshot 'vm-153-disk-1' error: Creating snap: 0% complete...failed.
pve6 pvedaemon[3638911]: <root@pam> end task UPID:pve6:001EBF0D:69C603F8:65B0A789:qmsnapshot:153:root@pam: rbd snapshot 'vm-153-disk-1' error: Creating snap: 0% complete...failed.
rbd ls -l 
vm-153-disk-1@up                       8 GiB            2            
vm-153-disk-1@up5                      8 GiB            2            
rbd du
vm-153-disk-1@up                           8 GiB   5.4 GiB
vm-153-disk-1@up5                          8 GiB   2.6 GiB
vm-153-disk-1                              9 GiB  1008 MiB

Shows that snapshot exists, but it is not visible under Proxmox!

rbd snap rm rbd/vm-153-disk-1@up