To use SSH, first telnet to router and set root password.
uci add firewall rule uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src=wan uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto=tcp uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port=22 uci commit firewall /etc/init.d/firewall restart
There are two method defining multiple WAN IP In both cases, addresses are added to the same interface. It is not possible to create 2nd firewall zone, like WAN2, because all iptables rules are using physical interface name to connect iptables chain, and physical interface is the same.
Better is to create second OpenWRT interface “WAN2” but assign it to firewall zone “WAN”. To use other external IP firewall needs to be configured manually by:
iptables -A input_wan_rule -d $WAN2_NET/29 -j reject iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan_rule -p tcp -d $WAN2_IP3 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination -m comment --comment "Web server" # goal is to do not pass into default WAN rules iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan_rule -d $WAN2_NET/29 -j ACCEPT
# set tag "ENH" if request comes from iPXE ("iPXE" user class) dhcp-userclass=set:ENH,iPXE # alternative way, look for option 175 #dhcp-match=set:ENH,175 # UNDI dhcp-boot=tag:!ENH,,myserver, # PXE dhcp-boot=tag:ENH,,myserver,
# Reboot at 4:30am every day # Note: To avoid infinite reboot loop, wait 70 seconds # and touch a file in /etc so clock will be set # properly to 4:31 on reboot before cron starts. 30 4 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot
or independent on system time
30 4 * * * [ $( cat /proc/uptime | cut -d '.' -f 1 ) -gt 3600 ] && reboot
opkg install watchcat luci-app-watchcat
And luci
menu will be available under Services
Problem: Port-forwarded traffic are always from router local IP instead of real external IP address. Solution: Disable masq option for LAN zone (should be only on WAN) zone