Serial console

Serial converter

3,3V level converter 115200 8N1

1 2 3 4 5
Vcc RX TX nc GND
         __  __                      _ _
        |  \/  | __ _ _ ____   _____| | |
        | |\/| |/ _` | '__\ \ / / _ \ | |
        | |  | | (_| | |   \ V /  __/ | |
        |_|  |_|\__,_|_|    \_/ \___|_|_|
 _   _     ____              _
| | | |   | __ )  ___   ___ | |_
| | | |___|  _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __|
| |_| |___| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_
 \___/    |____/ \___/ \___/ \__|

U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jun  8 2011 - 18:48:37) Marvell version: 3.4.19

U-Boot code: 00600000 -> 0067FFF0  BSS: -> 006CFEE0

Soc: 88F6281 A1 (DDR2)
CPU running @ 1200Mhz L2 running @ 400Mhz
SysClock = 400Mhz , TClock = 200Mhz

DRAM CAS Latency = 5 tRP = 5 tRAS = 18 tRCD=6
DRAM CS[0] base 0x00000000   size 256MB
DRAM Total size 256MB  16bit width
Addresses 10M - 0M are saved for the U-Boot usage.
Mem malloc Initialization (10M - 7M): Done
Flash:  0 kB

CPU : Marvell Feroceon (Rev 1)
Kernel address is 0x4640000.

Streaming disabled
Write allocate disabled

Module 0 is RGMII
Module 1 is TDM

USB 0: host mode
PEX 0: PCI Express Root Complex Interface
PEX interface detected Link X1
Net:   egiga0, egiga1 [PRIME]
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0