====== irfanview ====== export WINEARCH=win32 Download 32 bit version of [[https://www.irfanview.info/|irfanview]] winetricks -q mfc42 wine iview453_setup.exe Plugins [[http://irfanview.info/files/irfanview_plugins_444_setup.exe]] ===== Issues ===== ==== JPG file not associated ==== Command: mimeopen -d file.jpg doesn't show IrfanView to choose. Create file ''/home/user/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-jpg.desktop'' and set if to handle ''image/jpeg'' Also remove ''env WINEPREFIX'' line when using default prefix [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=IrfanView 32-bit MimeType=image/jpeg; Exec=wine-stable start /ProgIDOpen IrfanView.jpg %f NoDisplay=true StartupNotify=true Icon=7BE4_i_view32.0 Update the mime cache: update-desktop-database /home/user/.local/share/applications ==== WINEPREFIX: not an absolute path ==== If default wineprefix is used, the env variable WINEPREFIX cannot be set to the same default prefix directory. ====== Linux alternative ====== ==== Nomacs ==== In Debian Buster apt-get install nomacs ==== XnViewMP ==== [[https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/#downloads]]