====== ZFS over iSCSI ====== * IT IS: This storage type let to use remote ZFS system using iSCSI. * IT IS NOT: ZFS over iSCSI block device Proxmox need access using SSH to target iSCSI device (i.e. Zyxel NAS326). It is trying to execute following command: /usr/bin/ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' -i /etc/pve/priv/zfs/ root@ zfs list -o name,volsize,origin,type,refquota -t volume,filesystem -Hr To give access to target SSH, create new SSH access key and authorize it on target machine: # run on Proxmox node: mkdir /etc/pve/priv/zfs ssh-keygen -f /etc/pve/priv/zfs/ ssh-copy-id -i /etc/pve/priv/zfs/ root@ # login once to target from each proxmox node, to accept key: ssh -i /etc/pve/priv/zfs/ root@