====== Zabbix ======
===== rights to check free space =====
active check "vfs.fs.inode[/root/.cache/duplicity,pfree]" is not supported: Cannot obtain filesystem information: [13] Permission denied
active check "vfs.fs.size[/home/git-data/repositories/+gitaly/PackObjectsCache,pused]" is not supported: Cannot obtain filesystem information: [13] Permission denied
Investigate access right:
sudo -u zabbix /bin/bash
apt install acl
setfacl -m u:zabbix:x /root
setfacl -m u:zabbix:x /root/.cache
setfacl -m u:zabbix:x /home/git-data
setfacl -m u:zabbix:x /home/git-data/repositories
setfacl -m u:zabbix:x /home/git-data/repositories/+gitaly
NOTE: ''gitlab-ctl reconfigure'' will change permissions to default.
===== Disable Link down trigger =====
* Configuration --> Hosts
* Type into filter fields:
* Hosts: ''C3560G'' and ''C3560G-2''
* Name: ''Link down''
* Severity: ''Average''
* Status: ''Enabled''
* And change to ''disabled'' wanted port triggers
===== password recovery =====
USE zabbix;
UPDATE users SET passwd=md5('newpassword') WHERE alias='Admin';
===== Enable problem reporting =====
* ''Configuration'' --> ''Actions''
* Select from pull down menu ''Trigger actions''
* enable ''Report problems to Zabbix administrators''
===== Enable autoregistration =====
* ''Configuration'' --> ''Actions''
* Select from pull down menu ''Autoregistration actions''
* ''Create Action''
* Name: ''autoregister''
* Switch to ''Operations'' tab
* Add ''Operations'':
* ''Add host''
* ''Add to host group''
* ''Discovered hosts''
* ''Link to template''
* ''Linux by Zabbix agent''
#Hostname=Zabbix Server
===== OpenWRT template =====
===== LXC/container =====