====== 500 error after migration to H2 ====== [[https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/issues/449|Cannot upload after OrientDB to H2 migration: Unique index or primary key violation #449]] Cannot download anything new through pip proxy. Cannot add new objects. Solution: [[https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/issues/449#issuecomment-2285844522]] For ''docker-compose.yml'' based installation: * docker compose stop * disable nexus startup - override startup command: services: nexus3: image: sonatype/nexus3:3.72.0 container_name: nexus3 command: "sleep 3600" volumes: - "nexus-data:/nexus-data" * copy repair script to container volume: ''/var/lib/docker/volumes/nexus3_nexus-data/_data'' * ''chown 200 migrator_script.sh'' * ''chmod +x migrator_script.sh'' * adapt paths in repair script: NEXUS_BIN=/opt/sonatype/nexus NEXUS_DATA=/nexus-data * start container ''docker compose up -d'' * login into container ''docker compose exec nexus3 /bin/bash'' * ''cd /nexus-ddata'' * ''./migrator_repair.sh'' * logour from container: ''CTRL+D'' * stop ''docker compose stop'' * revert changes in ''docker-compose.yml'' * start ''docker compose up -d'' ''./migrator_repair.sh'' script output > SCRIPT NODATA > ALTER TABLE TAG ALTER COLUMN ID RESTART WITH SELECT max(ID) + 1 FROM TAG (Update count: 0, 13 ms) > ALTER TABLE RAW_CONTENT_REPOSITORY ALTER COLUMN REPOSITORY_ID RESTART WITH SELECT max(REPOSITORY_ID) + 1 FROM RAW_CONTENT_REPOSITORY (Update count: 0, 14 ms) ... > ALTER TABLE P2_BROWSE_NODE ALTER COLUMN NODE_ID RESTART WITH SELECT max(NODE_ID) + 1 FROM P2_BROWSE_NODE (Update count: 0, 13 ms)