====== Sonatype NEXUS ======
Latest version on dockerhub: [[https://hub.docker.com/r/sonatype/nexus3/tags|sonatype/nexus3]]
===== Issues =====
===== docker: convert to H2 database =====
Based on advice [[https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/issues/451#issuecomment-2295431367|Nexus migration for OrientDB to H2 for 3.70.1-02 fails as nexus-db-migrator is version 3.70.1-03 #451]]:
* Update docker image to tag: to 3.70.2.
* Create backup task for OrientDB and run it:
* Nexus --> create task --> type: ''Admin - Export databases for backup''
* taskname: ''backup''
* backup location: ''/nexus-data/backup''
* shutdown nexus ''docker compose stop''
* edit default command line to start container without running Nexus:
image: sonatype/nexus3:3.70.2
container_name: nexus3
command: "sleep 3600"
* Start container ''docker compose up -d''
* Login into container: ''docker-compose exec nexus3 /bin/bash''
* ''cd /nexus-data/backup''
* Check if four backup files exists in ''nexus-data/backup''. Mine was created under subfolder name ''/'' (slash) ???. So I moved it to correct location.
* ''curl -s -L -O https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/nxrm3-migrator/nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar''
* ''java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=28672M -jar nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar --migration_type=h2''
* ''cp nexus.mv.db /nexus-data/db''
* ''vi /nexus-data/etc/nexus.properties'' and add/change: ''nexus.datastore.enabled=true'' and save.
* exit from container (CTRL+D)
* stop container ''docker compose stop''
* remove ''command'' from ''docker-compose.yml''
* run again Nexus 3.70.2: ''docker compose up -d''
* check if H2 database is used: ''docker compose logs | grep H2''
* stop, update Nexus to 3.71.0 and start
==== unknown blob ====
Gitlab Runner cannot get docker image:
''ERROR: Preparation failed: failed to pull image "..." with specified policies [always]: unknown blob (manager.go:205:3s)''
In nexus log, lot of: ''org.sonatype.nexus.repository.docker.internal.V2Exception: authentication required''
In host dockerd log:
Jul 19 06:53:49 lxc809 dockerd[303]: time="2021-07-19T06:53:49.863528790Z" level=error msg="Download failed after 1 attempts: unknown blob"
Jul 19 06:53:49 lxc809 dockerd[303]: time="2021-07-19T06:53:49.863896588Z" level=error msg="Download failed after 1 attempts: unknown blob"
Jul 19 06:53:50 lxc809 dockerd[303]: time="2021-07-19T06:53:50.724398387Z" level=error msg="Download failed after 1 attempts: unknown blob"
Jul 19 06:53:50 lxc809 dockerd[303]: time="2021-07-19T06:53:50.724503196Z" level=info msg="Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: unknown blob"
**Reason**: Due to bug [[https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-28078|Docker - Delete unused manifests and images task may delete referenced layers if the database query to select components encounters limits]], docker blobs were removed.
**Solution**: redeploy image again.