====== Python ======
====== OOP ======
===== Call parent constuctor ======
====== String formatting ======
* using the % operator (old)
logger.debug('Got argument %s.' % arg)
* str.format (new: string formatters)
print("Sammy has {} balloons.".format(5))
print("Sammy has {} and {} balloons.".format(5, 7))
print("Sammy has {0} and {1} balloons.".format(5, 7))
print("Sammy has {1} and {0} balloons.".format(5, 7))
* interpolated strings
print("{firstname} {lastname}".format(firstname="Horst", lastname="Gutmann"))
* new f-strings in Python 3.6
name = 'Fred'
age = 42
print(f'He said his name is {name} and he is {age} years old.')
===== logger =====
Logger is optimized to defer avaluation of arguments until it is needed, so for best performance use ''%'' formating.
Instead of this:
logger.error('oops caused by %s' % exc)
do that:
logger.error('oops caused by %s', exc)
====== Exceptions ======
* [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#exception-hierarchy|exception-hierarchy]]
* [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2052390/manually-raising-throwing-an-exception-in-python/24065533#24065533|Manually raising (throwing) an exception in Python]]
===== Ignore exception =====
except Exception: