====== Logging ====== Prevent disc space flooding with container logs: * [[https://willsena.dev/strategies-for-rotating-docker-logs/|Strategies for Rotating Docker Logs]] * [[https://www.paulsblog.dev/how-to-manage-docker-logfiles-with-logrotate/|How To Manage Docker Logfiles with Logrotate]] * [[https://alexanderzeitler.com/articles/rotating-nginx-logs-with-docker-compose/|Rotating nginx logs using Docker Compose and logrotate]] /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log { rotate 4 weekly compress size=100M missingok delaycompress copytruncate } ===== nginx logs ===== /srv/nginx/logs/*.log { weekly missingok rotate 4 dateext compress delaycompress notifempty sharedscripts postrotate cd /root/dockers/nginx \ && /usr/local/bin/docker-compose kill -s USR1 nginx endscript }